目前分類:同學來信 (35)

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Hi JF:

Thanks for the directory. Please make a few changes to my information. Please change my cell phone number to 410-812-2418, change “Ellicott City” to “Baltimore”, and remove hliu@jhpsh.edu.

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Hi, 峻峰,

How are you? It has been a long time since we met last time.
I think you still keep track of all 701 classmates so please update my contact info as well.

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Dear 同學:
無聊了哦.現在我3個 小孩都在新加坡受教育,也只剩下我们兩個老的,我先生也有點悶得慌,更何況是你一個人,找事做吧.你喜歡園藝就弄吧.最好種個四季都有花的,我的意思是比如1-2月山櫻花,3-4木棉或杜鵑,5月油桐花,6-7月蓮花(要搞個池塘...)9月油麻菜籽花,10-12月楓葉片片,想想台灣的四季真棒,昨天才跟我的小孩說家附近的木棉花開了,春天來了.你那個花開得不錯,也有人種爆竹紅在1-2月開,又逢台灣的舊曆年,也蠻有喜氣的.
我們則養一隻柴犬,日本狗,有空就去爬山,我先生另外會去打小白球,我則逛菜市場(講老實話,結婚快19年沒進廚房作羹湯,相信嗎?)及書店看書 (醫學除外),日子就這麼過.

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Hi! I am Ju-Chuan Yen, I am so startled to learn Sunny's bad news,
and we are anxious and concerned about her situation, Is she O.K. now?
Please send our regards to her and wish her to recover soon. Best wisher to you and Sunny!
Ju-Chuan & Min-Huei

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Dear JF:
Thanks a lot for the CD. I am sorry for forgetting a replying letter.
This CD did bring lots of good memories to me.
The life in Chang-Gung Children's Hospital is quite busy, as it always be.

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Thank you for your information and links. Your kind effort to update the classmate contact info is highly appreciated. Great to see your kids growing up! You may wish to list two other old classmates currently in the US in your list::

Kar-Ming Fung Oklahoma University, Oklahoma

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Dear 701 classmates,

How are you? It has been a long time since those good old days. :)
Probably I have missed many 701 reunions since then... :(

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Nice to hear from you.
The following is my updated contact information. I hope everything is going on fine with you. My family and I are doing quite well over here. Keep contact.

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近來 可安好

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Jing Fung:
This is Peter Chang (701156). I apologiz, but I do not have any software to type Chinese characters (Ithink I've forgotten most of it anyway).
Just wanted to update you with my current info:

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Hi Dr. Huang:
You should have it this time.
Thanks for collecting the photos and contact information. It’s interesting to look back in time and see how young we were.

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970619 楓林人文揭牌 (陳庵君院長)


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Dear friend:
I am now working in National Retina Institute as a clinical fellow for Professor Bert M. Glaser in Maryland.

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Hi, Jun Fung and Jing Jing,

Forgive me if my spelling of your English names is incorrect. Under the condition that my unskillful Chinese Pingying typing ability and lack of Chinese editing software at work, I have to bear you with this foreign language. Please feel free to reply with texts in Chinese.

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